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Category : Basic Chinese Phrases | Sub Category : Greetings in Chinese Posted on 2023-09-07 21:24:53
Basic Chinese Phrases: Greetings in Chinese
Basic Chinese phrases are important for anyone interested in exploring Chinese culture. One of the first things you'll want to learn is how to greet people. We will cover some of the most common greetings used in Chinese, along with their meanings and pronunciation.
1 Hello, N Ho.
"N ho" is the most common way to say hello in Chinese. It can be used to greet someone in any situation. The pronunciation is how.
2 Good morning, Zo n.
"Zo n" is a phrase that means "Good morning" and is used until around 10 a.m. The word "Zo n" is pronounced dzow an.
3 Good night, Wn n.
"Wn n" is a phrase used to say "Good night" in Chinese and is used from the evening until the night falls. The pronunciation is "Wn n"
4 Thank you:
"Thank you" is a Chinese phrase that can be used to express appreciation and gratitude. "Xixi" is the perfect response to any gift, compliment, or favor. The word "Xixi" is pronounced syeh.
5 Zi Jin is Goodbye.
"Zi Jin" means "Goodbye" in Chinese. It is a way of saying goodbye. Zi Jin is pronounced zi jyan.
It is a good idea to learn the basics of greetings in Chinese. You will be able to greet people confidently and show respect for the Chinese culture with these common phrases in your toolkit. Don't be afraid to use these phrases in your everyday conversations, because they are easy to understand and pronunciation is easy to learn. A little effort goes a long way in showing appreciation for a language.